
Peculiarities of Transfer and Heat Losses of Electromagnetic Energy in the Two-Wire Overhead Line with Alternating Electric Conduction Current

Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry(2023)

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The results of the research related to the establishment of basic features of transfer and heat (Joule) losses of electromagnetic energy in a uniform two-wire overhead power line with the metal wires of finite sizes ( r 0 in radius and l 0 ⪢ r 0 in length) and alternating (pulse) electric conduction current i 0 ( t ) of different amplitude and time parameters are presented. In view of the quantum-wave nature of the electric conduction current i 0 ( t ), it was found that, in the metal wires of studied overhead lines, there appear the standing transverse electromagnetic waves (EMWs) that cannot transfer electromagnetic energy over a distance. It is demonstrated that, due to a weak dissipation of the quantized longitudinal electronic de Broglie half-waves on the crystal lattice sites of a metal (alloy) of the wires of the studied line, the heat losses of energy are released on those lattice sites. The features of the influence of the traveling transverse EMWs in the air environment of the studied lines on the process of transmission of electromagnetic energy in the overhead power lines over a distance are established.
two-wire overhead power line,electric conduction current in the line wires,traveling and standing electromagnetic waves,transfer and losses of electromagnetic energy in the line
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