
Viability of All-Solid-state Lithium Metal Battery Coupled with Oxide Solid-State Electrolyte and High-Capacity Cathode

Journal of Energy Chemistry/Journal of energy chemistry(2024)

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Owing to the utilization of lithium metal as anode with the ultrahigh theoretical capacity density of 3860 mA h g-1 and oxide-based ceramic solid-state electrolytes (SE), e.g., garnet-type Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO), all-state-state lithium metal batteries (ASLMBs) have been widely accepted as the promising alternatives for providing the satisfactory energy density and safety. However, its applications are still challenged by plenty of technical and scientific issues. In this contribution, the co-sintering temperature at 500 degrees C is proved as a compromise method to fabricate the composite cathode with structural integrity and declined capacity fading of LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 (NCM). On the other hand, it tends to form weaker grain boundary (GB) inside polycrystalline LLZO at inadequate sintering temperature for LLZO, which can induce the intergranular failure of SE during the growth of Li filament inside the unavoidable defect on the interface of SE. Therefore, increasing the strength of GB, refining the grain to 0.4 lm, and precluding the interfacial defect are suggested to postpone the electro-chemo-mechanical failure of SE with weak GB. Moreover, the advanced sintering techniques to lower the co-sintering temperature for both NCM-LLZO composite cathode and LLZO SE can be posted out to realize the viability of state-of-the-art ASLMBs with higher energy density as well as the guaranteed safety. (c) 2023 Science Press and Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by ELSEVIER B.V. and Science Press. All rights reserved.
cathode,Co-sintering,Lithium metal anode,Electro-chemo-mechanical failure,All-solid-state lithium metal battery
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