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E-cigarettes Dependence Comparing to Traditional Cigarettes: a Pilot Tunisian Study


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Background: E-cigarette (EC) has experienced a strong craze among those seeking to reduce their traditional cigarettes (TC) consumption. Its effectiveness in smoking cessation is highly debated as well as its dependence power.The aim of this study was to compare the addictive power of EC compared to TC in actual users of EC and former smokers of TC. Methodology: We conducted a comparative cross-sectional study that included 65 EC users and former smokers.They were collected due to a questionnaire published on Facebook that included Fagrestrom score (FS) allowing us to estimate and compare the dependence. Results: Our population had a mean age of 30±6 y.o.The average duration of TC cessation was 22 ± 16 mo.The main reason of using EC was the desire to quit smoking and the average duration of vaping was 28±25 mo.The average daily amount of e-liquid was estimated at 11±9 cc with different nicotine concentrations.The average total of FS was estimated at 3.45±2 vs 3.89±2.45 with TC (p=0.04). The dependence to the EC according to the FS was estimated to be strong in 8% , average in 25% and weak in 35% of the cases. The predictive factors of a medium to high dependence on vape were the duration of the consumption of EC (p=0.008) and the daily quantity of e-liquid (p=0.009). The presence of a medical history was inversely correlated with EC addiction. The multi-variate analysis concluded that the only factor predicting dependence was the duration of EC use with an OR of 4.25 IC95% [1.019-17.729]. Conclusion: Our study shows that even if it remains less important than that of TC, the dependence to EC is not negligible.Legal texts that regulate its marketing and consumption in Tunisia are recommended.
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