
Multistoried Woodlot Based Agroforestry System for Better Resource Utilization and More Income Generation for Farmer

M. Hossain Ali,M. S. Bari, Mahbubur Rahman, Iffat Sharmin

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Diversification of the present cropping pattern coupled with the development of suitable technology packages is the need of the day to cope with the ever-increasing demand for diversified products and assured income. Different woodlot-based multistoried agroforestry systems such as ipilipil, pineapple, ghoraneem, and kalokoroi with brinjal and potato promise solutions to mitigate the devastating effects of climate change by offering multifaceted benefits. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess the yield and probability of woodlot based multistoried with two vegetables, i.e potato and brinjal production, between 2019 and 2020. The experiment were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The upper-storied woody plants and sole vegetables received 100% PAR, but incident light was gradually decreased on brinjal and potato, which were grown at the floor of woody trees such as ipilipil, ghoraneem and kalokoroi. Additionally, the pineapple was cultivated at the line of woody trees as line cropping. The understory vegetables experienced 53.44, 55.85, 60.70, 63.01, 66.38, 71.02, and 100% PAR in different tree crop combinations. In both cases the highest BCR (3.75) and (3.09) was found in the ghoraneem + pineapple based multistoried agroforestry system for potato and brinjal production respectively that was the best technique for production, diversification, maximization of land use efficiency, and better profitability.
farmer,better resource utilization,more income generation
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