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Horizontal Cleavage Meniscus Tears

JBJS reviews(2023)

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» Accounting for up to 24% of all meniscus tears, horizontal cleavage tears (HCTs) are a common pathology orthopaedic practitioners should be comfortable managing.» Historically, HCTs were treated with partial meniscectomy; however, recent studies have demonstrated that these procedures have an adverse biomechanical effect, while HCT repairs restore the knee's natural biomechanics.» Indications for the surgical repair of HCTs remain disputed, but surgery is generally considered for young, active patients and older patients without significant concomitant osteoarthritis.» Early clinical findings surrounding HCT repair are promising. They suggest that this treatment adequately restores meniscus mechanics, leads to good knee functional outcomes, and results in a high likelihood of return to preinjury activity levels.
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