Combinedly increased viability of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum grx16 by co‐encapsulation of cryoprotectants and porous starch within calcium alginate capsules

Tong Zhou, W.M. Kang, Yu Han, Yinghua Li, Shuai Hao,Wenlong Ma, Baoshu Yin,Renqin Yang,Xuecong Liu,Songnan Li,Lina Pan,Jiaqi Wang,Li Wei,Yujun Huang,Ruixia Gu

International Journal of Food Science & Technology(2023)

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Summary Alginate‐based encapsulation is an effective probiotics delivery system in the intestine. However, due to calcium ions and gastric juice damaging cell wall/membrane integrity during freeze‐drying and gastrointestinal ingestion, lots of cell lose their viability. This study, taking Lactiplantibacillus plantarum grx16 as an example, indicated that co‐encapsulation of cryoprotectants and porous starch within calcium alginate capsules (CAC) could combinedly improve the viability of probiotics encapsulated. Compared with calcium alginate‐protectant capsule (CAC‐Pro) (50.67%), the combination of porous starch increased the encapsulation rate of PS0.8‐CAC‐Pro to 82.68%. Meanwhile, the death rate constants of PS0.8‐CAC‐Pro decreased by 31.3% (−20 °C), 13.5% (4 °C) and 7.5% (25 °C), respectively. The survival rate of PS0.8‐CAC‐Pro was 81.94% after continuous simulated gastrointestinal digestion, which was significantly higher than that of CACs (69.46%) and CAC‐Pro (76.92%). This study provided an effective approach for modifying alginate capsule to reduce the loss of probiotics viability.
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Key words
calcium alginate capsules,cryoprotectants,porous starch
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