Process Mapping: the Path Taken by Health Service Waste in a Hospital

Alecxei Delmar Leismann,Samuel Vinícius Bonato,Vanessa de Campos Junges, Paola da Silva Brito


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Purpose: This research aimed to map the waste management process of the health services of the medical clinic of a university hospital in the south of the country. Theoretical framework: The theoretical basis involves the approach of process mapping, as well as the management and management of health services waste. Method: This is a qualitative research carried out in the medical clinic of a university hospital in the south of the country. Data collection took place through non-participant observation and the data obtained were compiled in a Microsoft® Word file (2021) and used to build the process map of health services waste from the medical clinic, developed through a flowchart. Results and conclusions: It was evident that the medical clinic of the investigated hospital has the recommended documentation, as well as human and material resources. However, inconsistencies were identified in the process, which emphasizes the need for educational actions, replacement of damaged equipment, identification of dumpsters, transport cars and shelters, adequacy of the temporary shelter environment, and restriction of the external shelter to access only for those involved in waste management. Research implications: It was possible to understand the management of clinical medical waste and identify inconsistencies that impact on the effectiveness of its management, highlighting the relevance of mapping processes, especially in the context of health waste. Originality/value: The research contributes by inciting interest in research and practical reflection on the way waste is organized and treated, especially in the context of health.
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