New National and Regional Bryophyte Records, 74


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Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size AcknowledgementsL. T. Ellis acknowledges the support of The Natural History Museum, London (BM). T. Kiebacher thanks J. Guerra for the confirmation of the determination of Tortula acaulon var. papillosa and var. retortifolia. The research of Denise Alvarez, Pablo G. Aceñolaza and Guillermo M. Suárez was sponsored by the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), PIUNT G631 and PUE-CONICET 56 from Argentina. The study by Yu.S. Mamontov was supported by the Russian Ministry of Higher Education and Science with grant 075-15-2021-678 supporting the Center of Common Use «Herbarium MBG RAS» and within the State assignment (122042700002-6). R. D. Cedrés-Perdomo, D. Eiroa and A. Losada-Lima acknowledge the Garajonay National Park for providing permission to collect bryophyte specimens from La Gomera island. K. V. Lavrinenko thanks Anna Kuzemko, Yakiv Didukh, Оleksandr Khodosovtsev and Natalia Pashkevych for their substantial help in organising the expedition trip and conducting research. B. S. Cubas and J. Muñoz thank L. l. Sáez for donating the specimen of Macromitrium crosbyorum upon which their new record is based. Nik Norhazrina and Nur Syazwana would like to thank Mr Ahmad Damanhuri for confirming the identity of their new record for Leucobryum javense var. uncinatum. The research of Ilona Jukonienė was funded by the Administration of the Curonian Spit National Park (Agreement with Nature Research Centre VPS-23). J. Eckstein would like to thank Simona Strgulc Krajšek and Beata Papp for their help with his contribution. Joan Bruno Silva and Sérgio de Faria Lopes thank Dr Denilson Fernandes Peralta at the Botany Institute of São Paulo for confirming the identification of Myriocoleopsis minutissima. The study by V. E. Fedosov and A. S. Shkurko was supported by Russian scientific foundation grant # 23-14-00043. The contribution of S. Strgulc Krajšek, L. Kutnar and Marko Sabovljević was financially supported by The Slovenian Research Agency (grant no. P1-0212, P4-0107) and the EU Project LIFE, Integrated Project for Enhanced Management of Natura 2000 in Slovenia (LIFE17 IPE/SI/000011).
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