Strengthening Management and Coral Conservation in Natural Protected Areas from the Mexican Pacific Ocean Through a Collaborative Network

Rebeca Melendez-Rosas, Gabriela Garcia-Vazquez, Monica Franco-Ortiz,Hector Reyes-Bonilla,Amilcar Cupul-Magana,Andres Lopez-Perez, Sylviane Jaume-Schinkel,Arturo Ayala-Bocos, Gonzalo Perez-Lozano,Jenny Carolina Rodriguez-Villalobos,Imelda Amador-Castro, Jorge Castrejon-Pineda, Irma Gonzalez-Lopez,Carlos Godinez-Reyes, Mariana Salgado-Gallegos, Erendira Frias-Hernandez, Mauricio Cortes-Hernandez, Deneb Saldierna-Calapiz


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Most of the coral communities of the Mexican Pacific Ocean are located in Natural Protected Areas (NPAs); nevertheless, they are in risk for climatic and anthropogenic threats. In order to promote the conservation of coral reefs in the Mexican Pacific Ocean, one has formed the Coral Conservation Network of the Mexican Pacific. The efforts of collaboration have focused on four principal axes a) strengthening of the management in NPAs, b) training and diffusion of good tourism practices, c) evaluation of the state of conservation of the coral reefs, and d) environmental sensitization. There has been achieved the publication and diffusion of the State of Conservation of the Corals of the Mexican Pacific, in which there are estimated the indicators of coral coverage, abundance and biomass of fish, abundance of invertebrates, and the calculation of the Integrated Index of Reef Health. These indicators reflect the management implemented in the ANPs, participants of these analyses; the utility of standardized protocols that allow comparisons in the time and between NPAs, as well as the need to carry out the monitoring, adapted to the region, and coherent with the capacities of the actors on each ANP. On the other hand, sensitization has been carried out on the importance and the threats towards the corals to persons of different sectors across campaigns of environmental sensitization that reached 5,000 students, as well as the distribution of 12,000 guides of the identification of species and good tourism practices in NPAs. These efforts have been important, nevertheless the creation and permanence of the Coral Conservation Network of the Mexican Pacific Ocean has been perhaps the most impactful achievement on management and conservation in the Region.
Corals,conservation,Mexican Pacific,monitoring,climate change
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