
Hierarchization Process of Works of the Judicial Branch by the Topsis Multicriteria Method

International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research(2023)

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The realization of a public work must necessarily constitute a planned action, with specific purposes based on technical justifications and with financial resources that indicate the need and possibility of its realization.For Queiroz (2021), with scarce resources, the population is demanding more and more transparency in public management decisions, starting to act as an observer of the use of public resources, requiring the adoption of tools to support transparent and objective decisions.The rationalization of public spending is only possible from the identification of effective public investment priorities, assessing which projects should be given priority in relation to a set of possible implementation projects.It is a primary function of Public Administration to use public resources efficiently, in order to guarantee the provision of services to the population (SILVA FILHO et al., 2014), considering administrative efficiency as the direct relationship of maximizing the provision of public services from available resources (MATEI & SAVULESCU, 2009).The goal of this paper is to present a process to support decision-making through the TOPSIS method (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution), developed by Hwang and Yonn (1981), for ranking public works.The methodology is validated through a case study applied to the Court of Justice of Paraná (TJPR). BACKGROUND TO THE STUDYMulti-criteria decision-making processes help the manager to establish a hierarchy between possible alternatives according to scores and weights established for pre-selected technical criteria for the composition of decision-making.This section presents some works related to the theme and also a step-by-step description of the TOPSIS method.
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