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Possibilities of Physiotherapeutic Treatment in the Case of Patients with Pusher Syndrome

Fizjoterapia Polska(2023)

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The consequences of damage to brain structures often includes various types of perceptual and motor disorders. One of them is Pusher Syndrome (PS). It is defined as a disturbance in the perception of the body position in the frontal plane, which in turn makes it difficult to maintain a correct vertical posture. It occurs most often in patients after a stroke of the right hemisphere of the brain, in the posterolateral region of the thalamus, and its frequency is estimated at about 9–50%. However, it is still a little-known syndrome and too rarely diagnosed. Correct, early diagnosis of pusher syndrome and the introduction of appropriate physiotherapy allows us to shorten the patient’s rehabilitation time and speed up his/her recovery. The objective of the study is to present the principles and possibilities of therapy for patients with pusher syndrome.
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