Dual and Multi-Spectral Band SLS Infrared Camera Systems

Murzy D. Jhabvala,Donald E. Jennings, Kyle Turck,Compton J. Tucker,Allen Lunsford, Christine A. Jhabvala, A. Cillis,Joel McCorkel,Jason Hair,Douglas C. Morton,Dong L. Wu, Markus Loose, Frederick Wang, T. Hewagama, M. Sundaram,Jason Bundas,K. K. Choi,C. J. Tucker


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Based on the recent success of our strained-layer superlattice (SLS)-based infrared (IR) camera that performed Earth imaging from the International Space Station (ISS) in 2019 we have built, what we consider, to be the next generation multi-band SLS imaging system. The Compact Thermal Imager (CTI) was installed on the Robotic Refueling Mission 3 (RRM3) and attached to the exterior of the ISS. From this location we were able to capture 15 million images of a multitude of fires around the globe in 2019. This unexpected trove of data initiated quite a bit of scientific interest to further utilize this imaging capability but would include features to more precisely monitor terrestrial fires and other surface phenomena. To this end, we developed a technique to install specific bandpass filters directly onto the SLS detector hybrid assembly. Utilizing this technique we have built a CTI-2 camera system with two filters, 4 and 11μm, and have made a second detector assembly with six filter bands from 4- 12μm. This second system will also be used to supplement Landsat remote imaging monitoring approximate land surface temperatures, monitor evapotranspiration, sea ice and glacier dynamics. The CTI-2 camera is based on a 1,024x1,024 (1kx1k) format SLS detector hybridized to a FLIR ISC0404 readout integrated circuit (ROIC). The six band SLS focal plane array is based on the 640x512 FLIR ISC 9803 ROIC. This camera system is based on the Landsat 8 and 9 Thermal IR Sensors (TIRS) instrument and one of its purposes is to perform ground truthing for the Landsat 8/9 data at higher spectral resolution. Both Landsat TIRS instruments are dual band thermal IR sensors centered on 11 and 12μm (each with about a 1μm bandpass). Both of our SLS systems utilize a Ricor K548 cryocooler. To streamline costs and development time we used commercial optics and both commercial and custom NASA electronic components. A primary feature of these camera systems is the incorporation of specific filters to collect fire data at ~3.9μm and thermal data at ~11μm. The CTI- 2 instrument is designed for 37 m /pixel spatial resolution from 410km orbit (ISS orbit). In this paper, we will present the design and performance of the focal plane, optics, electronics and mechanical structure of the dual-band CTI-2 and the focal plane performance of the six-band focal plane.
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