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Explaining the clinical training experiences of anesthesiology students: A phenomenological study

Azizollah Arbabisarjou, Mehdi Rezvaniamin, Fatemeh Saeedinezhad,Hamed Faghihi

Medical science(2023)

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Introduction:The process of clinical training today is considered a primary element of education, especially for medical sciences, so it seems necessary to plan to improve how students understand clinical conditions.Hence, the present study sought to explain the clinical training experiences of anesthesiology students.Method: A qualitative study was conducted using descriptive phenomenological approach.The data were collected using indepth and individual semi-structured interviews and data analysis was done simultaneously with the data collection using the Colaizzi analysis model. Results:The themes describing the experiences of people with psoriasis included: The operating room environment, stressful environment, the effective clinical training challenge and disrespecting students.Conclusion:The results showed that the stressful environment of the operating room is an important challenge for students; on the other hand, the problems and challenges of clinical training can be a serious threat to the quality-of-care services of the country's health system.Various disrespects to students in the operating room environment can decrease their self-confidence, discourage them and decrease their interest in caring for sensitive patients and it makes it very difficult for the student to bear the unfriendly conditions and atmosphere of the operating room.Also, professors, group managers and educational staff should try to improve the quality of clinical training and modify wrong procedures in the operating room environment by obtaining awareness about the students' experiences, while understanding them more.
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anesthesiology students,clinical training experiences,clinical training
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