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Multi-Environment Analysis of Biofortification Traits in Pre-bred Bread Wheat (triticum Aestivum L.)

Journal of Cereal Research(2023)

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A set of 14 exotic-based wheat genotypes along with two check varieties were evaluated in four environments. The experimentation was conducted for two consecutive years during 2018–19 and 2019–20 at Karnal and Hisar locations. The variability observed in exotic-based genotypes is much higher than check varieties. Simultaneous improvement of GFeC, GZnC, and GPC is possible due to strong and positive correlation among the studied traits.Two genotypes i.e.,G7 (BFKW-7) and G3 (BFKW-3) are suitable candidates to be utilized as potential donors for simultaneous improvement of all three traits, as these are found to be both stable and have high trait value.G4 (BFKW-4) for GFeC and GPC, and G11 (BFKW-11) for GFeC and GZnC, and G10 (BFKW-10) for GZnC and GPC were also potential donors. These stable genotypes would be a potential source for high GFeC, GZnC, and GPC to develop biofortified wheat varieties.
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