A Call for Guidelines and Regulatory Body in Adopting Artificial Intelligence for Plastic Surgeons

Plastic and reconstructive surgery Global open(2023)

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Artificial intelligence (AI)–related legislation has swiftly emerged in no fewer than 17 states in the United States, reflecting the growing recognition of its significance. These proposed laws encompass a range of approaches, from encouraging local AI product development to placing limitations on its application, particularly in sensitive areas like healthcare and hiring practices. The impact of AI in plastic surgery is particularly remarkable by leveraging its capacity to analyze vast quantities of patient data and generate actionable insights; it can supplement the expertise of plastic surgeons, resulting in outcomes that are more precise, personalized, and successful.1–3 This transformative technology has the power to enhance patient well-being, optimize surgical procedures, and streamline the decision-making process in plastic surgery. However, the integration of AI into plastic surgery presents challenges; foremost, the ethical implications of AI implementation need careful evaluation, prioritizing transparency, fairness, accountability, and privacy.4 Guidelines are essential to prevent biases, maintain patient confidentiality, and uphold informed consent principles. Recently, a majority of AI leaders have recognized the importance of establishing a regulatory body for AI. Even Sam Altman, the chief executive officer of OpenAI, believes that regulation is necessary: “I think if this technology goes wrong, it can go quite wrong. And we want to be vocal about that.”5 In plastic surgery, it could be even more devastating, and it is crucial that plastic surgeons, other specialty surgeons, and researchers adopt a proactive approach to ensure the safe and effective use of AI. The time has come to urgently establish a regulatory body and comprehensive guidelines to govern AI implementation (Figs. 1 and 2).Fig. 1.: Algorithm of function of a regulatory body.Fig. 2.: Artificial intelligence plastic surgery (AIPS) guidelines for the use of AI in plastic surgery.Additionally, the development and deployment of AI in plastic surgery demand rigorous validation and regulatory oversight. Regulatory bodies in medicine like the Food and Drug Administration and similar agencies worldwide have been pivotal in safeguarding public health and ensuring the safety of medical products. These bodies adapt to medical and technological advancements, rigorously evaluating new interventions through clinical trials and risk-benefit analyses. An AI regulatory body would assess AI algorithms in critical domains like healthcare by defining adequate training data, validation metrics, and benchmarking standards to evaluate their accuracy, reliability, and safety. Deciding to create a new body or integrate AI regulation into existing ones depends on the complexity of AI applications and the regulatory infrastructure. Both have benefits, with a new regulatory body offering specialized focus, while incorporation benefits from existing expertise and resources. Moreover, the implementation of AI in plastic surgery necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration between plastic surgeons, computer scientists, data scientists, and ethicists. National and international societies and regulatory bodies should facilitate these collaborations and contribute to the development of guidelines that are robust and inclusive (Fig. 2). Finally, ongoing education and training programs should be implemented to equip plastic surgeons and residents with the necessary skills to effectively utilize AI technologies. Continuous professional development opportunities and workshops can help foster a deeper understanding of AI. By promoting lifelong learning, the plastic surgery community can keep pace with the rapid advancements in AI and harness its benefits responsibly. AI implementation and regulation are critical steps toward maximizing its potential and safeguarding patient care. I urge the plastic surgery community and relevant stakeholders to work collaboratively and unite in developing comprehensive guidelines that prioritize patient welfare and the responsible use of AI in this field. DISCLOSURE The author has no financial interest to declare in relation to the content of this article.
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