Participation of Community Relays in the Active Search for Children Lost of Sight During Routine Vaccination at Communal Health Center (cscom) of Yirimadio

Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences(2023)

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Introduction: The active search of children lost of sight during routine vaccination is a means to increase vaccination rate. Objective: the purpose of this study is to decrease children lost of sight number during routine vaccination by the implication of community relays. Methods: we have carried out a survey of type research action from September to December 2015 with 25 communal relays in the health center of Yirimadio. Results: it emerges from that survey that, before upgrading relays , only 4% communal relays was informed at last one case child lost during vaccination while 100% communal relays was informed for the children lost after upgrading . None relay couldn’t quote ten diseases target by program vaccination before the upgrading relays while 90% relays quoted it. Conclusion: There was a lack collaboration between communal relays and vaccinators’ responsible for searching children lost of sight at the time of routine vaccination.
Vaccination Intention
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