Biopolymers as a versatile tool with special emphasis on environmental application

De Gruyter eBooks(2023)

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Abstract Water sources are becoming highly unsuited as potable sources due to the presence of impurities and hazardous chemicals. Although there are many conventional methods available, the development of innovative technologies is essential for the treating and recycling of wastewater. Owing to their unique and excellent qualities, polymers have recently seen extensive use across various industries. By joining the monomeric components covalently, biopolymers resemble a more natural alternative to synthetic polymers. The biopolymer and biopolymer composites integrate into many sections of the treatment process easily, making them effective, affordable, and environmentally beneficial. Due to their distinct features, biopolymers can replace traditional adsorbents. The biopolymers and composites discussed in this chapter are ideal adsorbent materials for eliminating contaminants from the environment. Based on their sources, methods of preparation, and uses, biopolymers, and their composites are categorized. This chapter also includes different research perspectives on biopolymers, especially from an ecological and financial standpoint.
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biopolymers,environmental application
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