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Green Carbon Materials for Sensing Applications

Acs Symposium Series(2023)

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Nanotechnology, in association with green chemistry, has enormous potential in creating green carbon materials (GCM) based gas sensors that are sustainable and eco-friendly. Furthermore, the sensors generated by this technology can be fabricated, upgraded, and economically feasible. Technologies used to prepare green sensors are coulometry, chromatography, chemical vapor decomposition, conductometry, and electrochemical analysis. These methods are beneficial as they can be a time-efficient, economical, easy operation, and have minimal instrumentation. Furthermore, compared to chemical sensors, gas sensors, made from green carbon material, are more beneficial because of their unique nanoscale characteristics like high selectivity and sensitivity, which are limited in chemical sensors. In addition, these sensors have fast recovery time, can be operated at low temperatures, have stable performances, quick recovery time, low production cost, and, most important, are environment-friendly.
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carbon,sensing applications,green,materials
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