Vertical Umbilical Incision Achieves Better Cosmesis Than Periumbilical Incision in Neonates and Infants


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The transumbilical approach is widely used for minimally invasive surgery in children. We compared herein the postoperative cosmesis between two types of transumbilical approach: a vertical incision versus periumbilical incision. Patients with a transumbilical laparotomy before age one year were prospectively enrolled between January 2018 and December 2020. A vertical incision or periumbilical incision was chosen at the surgeon's discretion. After excluding patients receiving a relaparotomy via another site, a questionnaire about the appearance of the umbilicus was completed by the patients' guardians at postoperative month 6 to assess satisfaction and determine the visual analog scale score. A photograph of the umbilicus was taken while the questionnaire was being administered for later assessment by surgeons blinded to the scar and umbilical shape. Forty patients were enrolled; 24 patients received a vertical incision while 16 received a periumbilical incision. The incision length was significantly shorter in the vertical incision group (median: 2.0; range: 1.5-3.0 cm vs. median: 2.75; range: 1.5-3.6 cm) (p = 0.001). The patients' guardians reported significantly higher satisfaction (p = 0.002) and higher scores on the visual analog scale (p = 0.046) in the vertical incision group (n = 22) than in the periumbilical incision group (n = 15). The surgeons' evaluation was associated with significantly more patients with a vertical incision than with a periumbilical incision achieving a cosmetically preferable outcome, including an invisible or fine scar and a normal umbilical shape. A vertical umbilical incision can provide better postoperative cosmesis than a periumbilical incision.
vertical umbilical incision achieves,periumbilical incision,better cosmesis,infants
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