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Breast Cancer Metastasis to Nasal Septum

Murat Kapan, Erdoğan Özgür, Melek Ünçel, Sait KİTAPLI,Özgür Tanrıverdi,Ali Alkan

Journal of oncological science(2023)

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ABS TRACT Approximately 4% of the patients present with distant metastasis in breast cancer at the time of presentation, with many more developing the distant disease subsequently. A rare site for metastases is the head and neck. Herein, we present a case of nasal septum metastasis from breast cancer. A female patient presented with a mass in the right breast with the diagnosis of breast cancer. She presented with bi-lateral pulmonary and bony lesions, after 2 years of follow-up. Vinorelbine therapy was continued, and the patient presented with refractory epistaxis. On physical examination, a reddish and fragile mass in the left nasal cavity was detected. Bleeding was controlled using compressive measures. The excisional biopsy revealed invasive ductal carcinoma metastasis. Breast cancer metastasis to the nasal cavity is extremely rare. Clinicians should consider metastasis in cases of treatment-resistant epistaxis, nasal obstruction, and visual impairment.
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