
RT-based Sanger sequencing of RNAs containing complex RNA repetitive elements

Long Guo,Anna Marie Pyle

Methods in Enzymology(2023)

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Although next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionized our ability to sequence DNA with high-throughput, the chain termination-based Sanger sequencing method remains a widely used approach for DNA sequence analysis due to its simplicity, low cost and high accuracy. In particular, high accuracy makes Sanger sequencing the “gold standard” for sequence validation in basic research and clinical applications. During the early days of Sanger sequencing development, reverse transcriptase (RT)-based RNA sequencing was also explored and showed great promise, but the approach did not acquire popularity over time due to the limited processivity and low template unwinding capability of Avian Myeloblastosis Virus (AMV) RT, and other RT enzymes available at the time. RNA molecules have complex features, often containing repetitive sequences and stable secondary or tertiary structures. While these features are required for RNA biological function, they represent strong obstacles for retroviral RTs. Repetitive sequences and stable structures cause reverse transcription errors and premature primer extension stops, making chain termination-based methods unfeasible. MarathonRT is an ultra-processive RT encoded group II intron that can copy RNA molecules of any sequence and structure in a single cycle, making it an ideal RT enzyme for Sanger RNA sequencing. In this chapter, we upgrade the Sanger RNA sequencing method by replacing AMV RT with MarathonRT, providing a simple, robust method for direct RNA sequence analysis. The guidance for troubleshooting and further optimization are also provided.
complex rnas,sanger,rt-based
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