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Enhancing the Productivity and Quality of Blackgram (Vigna mungo L.) with Potassium Fertilization

P. Thriveni,B. Sandhya Rani, N. Sunitha, Manil T. Mohan,G. Karuna Sagar

Legume Research(2023)

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Background: Pulses are commonly known as food legumes, next to cereals in production and consumption in India. India is the leading producer of pulses in the world. In spite of being a leading producer, India is still importing pulses to meet consumer demand, due to low productivity of pulses due to various reasons. Hence, there is a need to improve the productivity in pulses. Potassium application in pulse crops have been paid less attention, among different nutrients. Methods: A field experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with factorial concept (FRBD) during Rabi, 2021-22 to enhance the productivity and quality of blackgram with potassium fertilization. Result: The present study revealed that among different potassium levels, soil application of 40 kg K2O ha-1 improved the growth parameters, yield attributes, seed and haulm yields and economic returns of blackgram, which was statistically at par with soil application of 30 kg K2O ha-1. With regard to different foliar sprays tried, foliar application of 1% KH2PO4 at flowering and pod development stages recorded higher growth parameters, yield attributes, seed and haulm yields, protein content and economic returns of blackgram, which was statistically on par with foliar application of 1% KCl or 0.5% KNO3 at flowering and pod development stages. The interaction effect between soil application of potassium and foliar fertilization of potassium could not exert any significant influence on any of the parameters studied in the present investigation.
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