Supplementary Data S1 from Depletion of Mannose Receptor–Positive Tumor-associated Macrophages Via a Peptide-targeted Star-shaped Polyglutamate Inhibits Breast Cancer Progression in Mice
One .docx word file containing the following information: Scheme S1. Synthetic approach for St-PGA-OG-mUNO. Scheme S2. Synthetic approach for OximUNO. Video S1. Fifty ns MD trajectory of St-PGA in solution. Table S1. St-PGA-OG-mUNO and St-PGA-OG dye loading, mUNO loading, size and charge. Table S2. OximUNO and St-PGA-DOX drug loading, mUNO loading, size and charge. Table S3. Hepatic and renal toxicity analysed following one dose of OximUNO. Fig. S1. Representative characterisation of St-PGA-OG and St-PGA-OG-mUNO. Fig. S2. The angle used to characterise the rotation of mUNO around PGA. Fig. S3. St-PGA-OG-mUNO shows low hepatic accumulation in the orthotopic TNBC. Fig. S4. Immunostaining showing CD206 expression in the liver compared to the saturated signal of CD206 in the orthotopic 4T1 tumour. Fig. S5. Immunostaining of endogenous IgG indicates leaky tumour vasculature in the orthotopic 4T1 tumours. Fig. S6. Distribution of St-PGA-OG-mUNO in the lung, spleen, sentinel lymph node (SLN) and kidney. Fig. S7. St-PGA-OG-mUNO shows low hepatic accumulation in the experimental metastasis of TNBC. Fig. S8. St-PGA-OG-mUNO shows higher receptor colocalisation than FAM-mUNO. Fig. S9. St-PGA-OG-mUNO shows high homing to M2 TAMs in the orthotopic TNBC but higher hepatic accumulation with a higher dose. Fig. S10. Representative characterisation of St-PGA-DOX and OximUNO. Fig. S11. LC-MS method development for the determination of DOX in drug release studies and stability studies of OximUNO in i.p. fluid and dPBS. Fig. S12. OximUNO shows no signs of hepatic or renal toxicity. Fig. S13. H&E on healthy Balb/c mouse lung. Fig. S14. Localisation of St-PGA-OG/St-PGA-OG-mUNO and tumour vessels. Fig. S15. H&E staining of hearts from the treatment of orthotopic TNBC. Fig. S16. A repetition of OximUNO treatment on the orthotopic TNBC monitoring tumour growth and survival. Fig. S17. Flow cytometry plots for M2 and M1 macrophages. Fig. S18. Flow cytometry gating for cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). Fig. S19. Flow cytometry gating for T regulatory cells (Tregs). Fig. S20. Flow cytometry analysis showing total cells. Fig. S21. Treatment with OximUNO does not affect splenic macrophages.
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