
Protocol for ultrasonographic assessment of abnormal fetal growth interrelated to uteroplacental-fetal biometry and Doppler (U-AID) trial


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Most of the previous studies have established the association between Doppler indices and fetal growth restriction (FGR), with a primary focus on umbilical artery (UA), and middle cerebral artery (MCA). This study aims to assess changes in ultrasonographic uteroplacental-fetal biometry and Doppler measurements more comprehensively including umbilical vein (UV) flow, placental and uterine wall thickness between fetuses with and without FGR. This multicentre observational study will be conducted as both retrospective and prospectively. We will enrol singleton pregnant women who have underwent at least one fetal ultrasound scan during the routine antepartum care. Women with fetuses that have chromosomal or structural abnormalities will be excluded. The study will measure U-AID indices, which are including uterine artery, UA, MCA, and UV flow, as well as placental and uterine wall thickness, and estimated fetal body weight during each trimester. The study population will be divided into two groups based on fetal growth, which are the FGR group and the control group. We will compare the U-AID indices between the two groups and evaluate the association between these indices and adverse perinatal outcomes in the FGR group. Additionally, we will develop a predictive model for adverse perinatal outcomes in the FGR group using both clinical risk factors and U-AID indices by multivariable logistic regression analysis. Not applicable. The U-AID study provides a comprehensive evaluation of uteroplacental-fetal biometry and Doppler indices according to fetal growth. This study will provide valuable insights into the potential utility of these indices in predicting and managing adverse perinatal outcomes. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
abnormal fetal growth,ultrasonographic assessment
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