Trends and Patterns of Sexualised Drug Use among HIV-Positive Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men: Insights from a Comprehensive Study in a Major European City - the U-SEX-2 GESIDA 9416 Study

Pablo Ryan,Helen Dolengevich-Segal,Luis Ramos‐Ruperto,Alfonso Cabello,Matilde Sánchez-Conde,Jorge Vergas,Jorge Valencia, Guillermo Cuevas Tascón, José Sanz-Moreno, Javier Curto-Ramos, Javier Pérez-Bootello, Jorge Naharro-Rodríguez, M. Ollero,Lucio García‐Fraile,Leire Pérez‐Latorre,Otilia Bisbal,Sara de la Fuente,Juan Emilio Losa,Miguel Cervero, Miriam Estebanez, Inés Suárez‐García, Alejandra Gimeno, Ignacio Terrancle,Rafael Micán, Alicia González Baeza


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Background: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of sexualized drug use (SDU) in gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men living with HIV (HIV+GBMSM) in Madrid during 2019/2020 and compare it with data from 2016/2017. Methods: We analysed the frequency of SDU in a sample of HIV+GBMSM attending HIV clinics, who participated in an anonymous online survey regarding sexual behaviour and recreational drug use. The association between SDU, sexual risk behaviours, and STIs was evaluated. The methodology employed in the present study(U-SEX-2) in 2019/2020 was consistent with that of a previous study(U-SEX-1) in 2016/2017. Results: The study included 424 HIV+GBMSM, with a mean age of 40(10.43) years. Overall, 94% (396) reported being sexually active. Additionally, 33% (140) had been diagnosed with an STI within the previous year. Moreover, 54% (229) had used drugs in the last year, 25% (107) engaged in SDU, and 15% (17) reported engagement in slamsex. After adjusting for confounding factors, SDU was associated with STIs, fisting, unprotected anal intercourse, and having > 24 sexual partners in the last year. According to the DUDIT test scores, 76% (81) probably had problematic drug use (≥6 points), and 5% (8) probable drug dependence (≥25 points). When comparing the U-SEX-1(2016/2017) data with the U-SEX-2(2019/2020) data, no significant differences were found in the proportion of participants practicing SDU or slamsex. Conclusion: The prevalence of SDU among HIV+GBMSM has remained high in recent years and without significant changes. We observed a clear association between SDU, high-risk sexual behaviors, STIs, and the risk of drug related problems.
drug use,Substance Abuse,HIV
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