Searching for New Physics with DarkLight at the ARIEL Electron-Linac
The DarkLight Collaboration,E. Cline,R. Corliss,J. C. Bernauer,R. Alarcon,R. Baartman,S. Benson,J. Bessuille, D. Ciarniello, A. Christopher, A. Colon,W. Deconinck,K. Dehmelt, A. Deshpande,J. Dilling,D. H. Dongwi, P. Fisher,T. Gautam,M. Gericke, D. Hasell,M. Hasinoff,E. Ihloff,R. Johnston,R. Kanungo,J. Kelsey,O. Kester,M. Kohl,I. Korover,R. Laxdal,S. Lee, X. Li, C. Ma,A. Mahon,J. W. Martin,R. Milner,M. Moore,P. Moran,J. Nazeer,K. Pachal,T. Patel,T. Planche,M. Rathnayake,M. Suresh,C. Vidal, Y. Wang,S. Yen arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)
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