
Impact of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria on the Environment

Elsevier eBooks(2022)

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Antibiotics employed as a treatment tool for the diseases mainly caused by bacteria. However, the misuse and over-use has led to the antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARBs) emergence which has now become a major global aspect. Super-bugs emergence has been recently observed due to anthropogenic activities, that makes it more critical to control. Due to the lack of advancement and development of antibiotics, this problem is becoming severe day by day. ARBs evolution and spreading has worsened the condition that can be mitigated by the development of advanced diagnostic techniques and tools. It not only affects human life but also, badly impacts on environment. The improper disposal of hospital residues (includes clinical antibiotic wastes) is one of main source which affects environment. There is a need of advanced technology to fight against ARBs that can be possible by setting up multidirectional approaches. These approaches will help us to minimize losses and attain the environmental conditions back to normal. The advanced therapeutic methods are being evolved to gain knowledge about ARBs for their identification, characterization, spreading mechanisms, and control. Alternative approaches like vaccines, probiotics, and antibodies, etc. are needed to be employed globally and one-health national programs should be initiated to decrease risk hazards. There are different means to determine the antibiotic resistant level of bacteria which includes minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), disc method, etc. Two mechanisms are involved in antibiotic resistant genes transmission, i.e., horizontal and vertical gene transfer. Different researches done by numerous bacteria are identified as antibiotic resistant bacteria like Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.
Antibiotic Resistance
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