Comparison of Physical Properties of Ferrofluids Based on Mineral Transformer Oil and Bio-Degradable Gas-to-liquid Oil

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials(2024)

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Ferrofluids based on mineral transformer oil have been intensively studied over two decades owing to their outstanding thermal and electrical insulating properties. However, current environmental demands on transformer operation give priority to the use of biodegradable transformer oils. Clearly, the differences in physical properties of biodegradable oils and those refined from crude oil determine the physical properties of ferrofluids based on the two types of oils. In this study, ferrofluids with various concentrations of iron oxide nanoparticles have been prepared on mineral transformer oil (M-oil) and biodegradable transformer oil based on gas-to-liquid technology (S-oil). The ferrofluids were subjected to experimental investigation of magnetization, AC magnetic susceptibility, thermal conductivity, viscosity and dielectric response. Based on zero-field-cooled and field-cooled magnetization curves, a lower temperature of a specific magnetization maximum associated with the melting of the oil (phase transition) was found for M-samples than for S-samples. The effect of carrier liquid on the onset of extrinsic superparamagnetism in addition to the intrinsic superparamagnetism is observed. Spectra of AC magnetic susceptibility of both types of ferrofluids exhibit quasi constant behaviour with a moderate decrease at high frequencies of a magnetic field. The viscosity of M-samples is slightly higher than that of S-samples. On the other hand, M-samples exhibit lower thermal conductivity than S-samples. In both cases, the thermal conductivity linearly decreases with temperature. Dielectric spectroscopy has revealed remarkable dielectric dispersion below 100 Hz in both ferrofluid types. The relaxation has been ascribed to interfacial polarization, which can be considered as a serious drawback from an electrical engineering application point of view. The measured physical properties of the ferrofluids are analyzed in regard to the density and viscosity of the base oils.
Ferrofluid,Transformer oil,Magnetic nanoparticles,Dielectric response,Thermal conductivity,Magnetic properties
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