Effects of Facial Muscles Exercise on Mental Health: A Systematic Review

International journal of environmental research and public health/International journal of environmental research and public health(2021)

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Mental disorders are increasing worldwide. Previous research has reported an association between mental health and facial expressions. Face-to-face communication, specifically, is majorly affected when wearing face masks for a long time because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there have been no systematic reviews of facial muscles exercise intervention studies for mental health. Thus, evidence of their effect on mental health is unclear. This review aimed to evaluate the current evidence of the effectiveness of voluntary facial muscles exercise to improve some parameters of mental health. We implemented a systematic review of experimental studies (published between 2007 and 2018, 10 years before we decided to start this review). Of the 61,096 references screened, seven studies reported that facial muscles exercise may help to improve some parameters of mental health. Moreover, the study quality was assessed, and we extracted sub outcomes for mental health. Non-coherent results of seven experimental studies were included in this review. Voluntary facial muscles exercise may help improve depressive symptoms, mood, and reduce the level of chronic stress. However, due to the low quality of analyzed studies, further studies are needed to confirm the mental health benefits of a facial muscles exercise program.
facial expression,facial muscles,self-care,mental health,depression
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