Tricalbin proteins regulate plasma membrane phospholipid homeostasis

Thomas Fb, Omnus Dj,JM Bader, Chung Gh,Nozomu Kono,Christopher J. Stefan

bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)(2021)

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Abstract The evolutionarily conserved extended synaptotagmin (E-Syt) proteins are calcium-activated lipid transfer proteins that function at contacts between the endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane (ER-PM contacts). However, roles of the E-Syt family members in PM lipid organisation remain unclear. Among the E-Syt family, the yeast tricalbin (Tcb) proteins are essential for PM integrity upon heat stress, but it is not known how they contribute to PM maintenance. Using quantitative lipidomics and microscopy, we find that the Tcb proteins regulate phosphatidylserine homeostasis at the PM. Moreover, upon heat-induced membrane stress, Tcb3 co-localises with the PM protein Sfk1 that is implicated in PM phospholipid asymmetry and integrity. The Tcb proteins also promote the recruitment of Pkh1, a stress-activated protein kinase required for PM integrity. Phosphatidylserine has evolutionarily conserved roles in PM organisation, integrity, and repair. We suggest that phospholipid regulation is an ancient essential function of E-Syt family members in PM integrity.
tricalbin proteins,membrane,homeostasis
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