
PROTAGONISMO NEGRO NA EJA: rupturas epistemológicas e pedagógicas, na perspectiva da Lei 10.639/2003

Capoeira - Humanidades e Letras(2021)

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____________________________________ RESUMO O texto pretende analisar a educacao de jovens e adultos, na perspectiva da identidade racial da populacao negra brasileira, com base nos registros oficiais do censo educacional e a expressao da consciencia da negritude entre os jovens e adultos para pensarmos em rupturas epistemologicas e pedagogicas promovidas com a conquista da Lei 10.639/2003. Entendemos o mergulho na historia de Africa e na diaspora como possibilidade de enegrecermos os curriculos escolares, projetos pedagogicos, livros didaticos, conteudos e atividades nas tentativas de se buscar – no passado e no presente do espirito africano – parte das herancas de um povo que, devido as migracoes forcadas e dispersoes por diversos continentes, tem uma vasta producao historica e contribuicoes de grande valia para a identidade afro-brasileira e, sobretudo, nos processos educacionais. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Educacao de Jovens e Adultos; Autodeterminacao; Identidade Racial; Racismo; Lei 10.639/2003. ___________________________________ ABSTRACT . The text intends to analyze the education of young people and adults, in the perspective of the racial identity of the black Brazilian population, based on the official records of the educational census and the expression of the awareness of blackness among young people and adults to think about epistemological and pedagogical breaks promoted with the conquest of Law 10.639 / 2003. We understand diving into the history of Africa and the Diaspora as a possibility to blacken school curricula, pedagogical projects, textbooks, content and activities in the attempts to seek - in the past and in the present of the African spirit - part of the inheritance of a people who, due to forced migrations and dispersions on several continents, they have a vast historical production and contributions of great value to the Afro-Brazilian identity and, above all, in the educational processes. KEY-WORDS : Youth and Adult Education; Self-Determination; Racial Identity; Racism; Law 10.639/2003.
Afro-Brazilian Studies
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