
A Importância Da Técnica De Cromatografia Líquida De Alta Eficiência No Isolamento Do Fármaco Enantiômero Puro Esomeprazol

Renata C. Gandolfi, Marcos Aurélio Almeida Pereira,Rildo Yamaguti Lima,Enny Fernandes Silva, João Vicente Tzanno Branco Martins,Rafael Guzella de Carvalho, Adiel Goes de Figueiredo,Renato Ribeiro Nogueira Ferraz,Francisco Sandro Menezes Rodrigues

International Journal of Health Management Review(2020)

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Every year the pharmaceutical industry launches a large number of drugs, considered innovative, promising to provide pharmacological benefits to the patient. However, in many cases, these novel molecules have been obtained from the separation of mixtures of enantiomers, from prototype drugs, already known and commercially available for many years, that is, they are obtained or isolated from a racemic mixture. This has led many pharmaceutical companies to obtain new patents for the production and marketing of the pure enantiomer drug, such as esomeprazole which has been obtained from the racemic mixture of omeprazole. Together with the progress in obtaining pure enantiomers, analytical techniques were developed for the determination of enantiomers in drugs, with high performance liquid chromatography with chiral stationary phase being the most used technique today due to the precision and accuracy of the obtained results and application to a large variety of enantiomeric mixtures in addition to providing high degree of optical purity of the isolated enantiomers.
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