A Tectonic Origin for the Largest Marsquake Observed by InSight


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The S1222a marsquake detected by InSight on 4 May 2022 was the largest of the mission, at MwMa 4.7. Given its resemblance to two other large seismic events (S1000a and S1094b), which were associated with the formation of fresh craters, we undertook a search for a fresh crater associated with S1222a. Such a crater would be expected to be similar to 300 m in diameter and have a blast zone on the order of 180 km across. Orbital images were targeted and searched as part of an international, multi-mission effort. Comprehensive analysis of the area using low- and medium-resolution images reveals no relevant transient atmospheric phenomena and no fresh blast zone. High-resolution coverage of the epicentral area from most spacecraft are more limited, but no fresh crater or other evidence of a new impact have been identified in those images either. We thus conclude that the S1222a event was highly likely of tectonic origin. During its time on Mars, NASA's InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport) mission recorded over 1,300 seismic events, known as "marsquakes." Of these, a number were identified as coming from meteoroid impact cratering events on the surface. The largest event identified by InSight, labeled S1222a, bore some similarities to two large impact events recorded earlier in the mission. In order to investigate whether the S1222a event might also have been caused by an impact event, we undertook a comprehensive search of the region in which the marsquake occurred. We did not identify any fresh craters in the area, implying that the marsquake was likely caused by geological processes. The S1222a marsquake detected by InSight on 4 May 2022 somewhat resembled previous impact-generated eventsWe performed an image search in the estimated source region, using data from multiple Mars orbiter missionsNo new impact crater has been discovered in this area, pointing to a tectonic origin for the quake
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