The impact of portal vein flow in split liver transplantation: Is portal hyper-perfusion need to be modified like living donor liver transplantation?M. Tuul,J. Kusakabe,H. Matsushima,K. Ali,B. Cazzaniga,R. Raj, T. You, M. Khalil,E. Fernandes,E. Calderon,A. Pita,J. Kim,S. Chaudhry,M. Fujiki,F. Aucejo,B. Eghtesad,C. Quintini, D. U. Teresa,C. H. David Kwon, C. Miller, K. HashimotoTRANSPLANTATION(2023)引用 0|浏览20暂无评分AI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要