
Multiple Magnetic Transitions, Metamagnetism, and Large Magnetoresistance in GdAuGe Single Crystals

Physical review B/Physical review B(2023)

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We report the physical properties of GdAuGe single crystals, which were grown using Bi flux. The powder x-ray diffraction data shows that the compound crystallizes in hexagonal NdPtSb-type structure (space group P6(3)mc). Magnetization measurements performed for field configuration H parallel to c and H perpendicular to c show that GdAuGe orders antiferromagnetically at the Neel temperature, T-N=17.2K. Around this temperature, heat capacity and electrical resistivity data exhibit prominent anomaly due to the antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition. In addition to an AFM phase transition, the magnetization data for H parallel to c display the signature of field-induced metamagnetic (MM) transitions below T-N. The critical field range for these transitions vary from 0.2 to 6.2 T. The critical fields for the MM transitions decrease with increasing temperature and approach to zero value for temperature approaching T-N. For instance, in high-field MM transition, critical field changes from 6.2 T at 1.7 K to 1.8 T at 16 K. Interestingly, the magnetoresistance (MR) data (for H parallel to c) record a sharp increase in values at the critical fields that coincide with those seen in magnetization data, tracking the presence of MM transitions. MR is positive and large (approximate to 169% at 9 T and 2 K) at low temperatures. Above T-N, MR becomes small and switches to negative values. Hall resistivity data reveal the predominance of hole charge carriers in the system. In addition, we observe an emergence of step-like feature in the Hall resistivity data within the field range of second MM, and a significantly large anomalous Hall conductivity of approximate to 1270 Omega(-1)cm(-1) at 2 K. The H-T phase diagram constructed from our detailed magnetization and magnetotransport measurements reveals multiple intricate magnetic phase transitions. The electronic and magnetic structure of GdAuGe are also thoroughly investigated using first-principles methods. The electronic band structure calculations reveal that GdAuGe is a Dirac nodal-line semimetal.
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