
Efficient 3D Frequency Semi-Airborne Electromagnetic Modeling Based on Domain Decomposition


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Landslides are common geological hazards that often result in significant casualties and economic losses. Due to their occurrence in complex terrain areas, conventional geophysical techniques face challenges in early detection and warning of landslides. Semi-airborne electromagnetic (SAEM) technology, utilizing unmanned aerial platforms for rapid unmanned remote sensing, can overcome the influence of complex terrain and serve as an effective approach for landslide detection and monitoring. In response to the low computational efficiency of conventional semi-airborne EM 3D forward modeling, this study proposes an efficient forward modeling method. To handle arbitrarily complex topography and geologic structures, the unstructured tetrahedron mesh is adopted to discretize the earth. Based on the vector finite element formula, the Dual-Primal Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI-DP) method is further applied to enhance modeling efficiency. It obtains a reduced order subsystem and avoids directly solving huge overall linear equations by converting the entirety problem into the interface problem. We check our algorithm by comparing it with 1D semi-analytical solutions and the conventional finite element method. The numerical experiments reveal that the FETI-DP method utilities less memory and exhibits higher computation efficiency than the conventional methods. Additionally, we compare the electromagnetic responses with the topography model and flat earth model. The comparison results indicate that the effect of topography cannot be ignored. Further, we analyze the characteristic of electromagnetic responses when the thickness of the aquifer changes in a landslide area. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the 3D SAEM method for landslide detection and monitoring.
3D forward modeling,semi-airborne electromagnetic (SAEM),domain decomposition,finite element method,frequency domain
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