Measurements of neutrino oscillation in appearance and disappearance channels by the T2K experiment with6.6×1020protons on target

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Physical review(2015)

引用 67|浏览8
We report on measurements of neutrino oscillation using data from the T2K long-baseline neutrino experiment collected between 2010 and 2013. In an analysis of muon neutrino disappearance alone, we find the following estimates and 68% confidence intervals for the two possible mass hierarchies: normal hierarchy: sin2θ23=0.514−0.056+0.055 and Δm322=(2.51±0.10)×10−3 eV2/c4 and inverted hierarchy: sin2θ23=0.511±0.055 and Δm132=(2.48±0.10)×10−3 eV2/c4. The analysis accounts for multinucleon mechanisms in neutrino interactions which were found to introduce negligible bias. We describe our first analyses that combine measurements of muon neutrino disappearance and electron neutrino appearance to estimate four oscillation parameters, |Δm2|, sin2θ23, sin2θ13, δCP, and the mass hierarchy. Frequentist and Bayesian intervals are presented for combinations of these parameters, with and without including recent reactor measurements. At 90% confidence level and including reactor measurements, we exclude the region δCP=[0.15,0.83]π for normal hierarchy and δCP=[−0.08,1.09]π for inverted hierarchy. The T2K and reactor data weakly favor the normal hierarchy with a Bayes factor of 2.2. The most probable values and 68% one-dimensional credible intervals for the other oscillation parameters, when reactor data are included, are sin2θ23=0.528−0.038+0.055 and |Δm322|=(2.51±0.11)×10−3 eV2/c4.38 MoreReceived 6 February 2015DOI: article is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI.Published by the American Physical Society
neutrino oscillation,display=inline><mmlmn>66</mmlmn><mmlmo>×</mmlmo><mmlmn>1</mmlmn><mmlmsup><mmlmn>0</mmlmn><mmlmn>20</mmlmn></mmlmsup></mmlmath>protons,disappearance channels,experiment
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