
Screening of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea Linn. Czern & Coss) germplasm against mustard aphid, Lipaphis erysimi pseudobrassicae (Kaltenbach, 1843)

Nawaz Ahmad Khan,Vinod Kumar Dubey, Anurag Mishra, Tamilarasi Murugesh,Devendra Kumar Dwivedi, Hemant Kumar Singh

Research Square (Research Square)(2023)

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Abstract Indian mustard ( Brassica juncea Linn. Czern & Coss) is the important sources of edible oil in India. Its yield is declining due to several biotic stress like insect pests and disease. Out of the biotic stress the insect pests are more severe during the reproductive stages. Among the insect pests of mustard, aphid, Lipaphis erysimi pseudobrassicae (Kaltenbach, 1843) (Homoptera: Aphididae) is a destructive pest of Indian mustard prevalent in warm and humid regions of the world, especially in the eastern parts of South Asia. For the management of this aphid, the most effective ecofriendly measure to develop resistant cultivar. Thus, the present investigation was carried out to confirm L. e. pseudobrassicae resistance germplasm based on visual observations. These germplasms were screened for L. e. pseudobrassicae resistance in the natural conditions during 2020-21 and 2021-22 along with one susceptible check (Varuna) and one resistant check (Pusa Gaurav). During both the experimental year at flowering stage only one germplasm used as resistant check (Pusa Gaurav) reported under resistant category, moderately resistance (9, 7), susceptible category (32, 34) and none of the germplasm found highly susceptible in both the year. At the pod setting stage (2020-21 and 2021-22) the germplasm Pusa Gaurav used as resistant check reported under resistance category, 10 germplasm in moderately resistance category, the 31 germplasm under susceptible category, and none of the germplasm recorded as highly susceptible. These newly identified resistant germplasm could be used by mustard breeders for developing L. e. pseudobrassicae resistant mustard varieties.
mustard aphid,indian mustard,brassica juncea linn,lipaphis erysimi pseudobrassicae
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