
Mejora De Calidad Del Área De Pacientes Externos Mediante Participación Del Paciente Y Metodología Lean

Farmacia hospitalaria(2021)

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Objective: To improve the quality of the dispensing process and pharmaceutical care in the Outpatient Pharmacy through patient participation and Lean methodology, and to analyse the results obtained in terms of efficiency and patient satisfaction. Method: Prospective observational single-centre study. A working group was organized with the health care staff involved in outpatient care to apply Lean methodology and detect improvement opportunities. We used a focus group technique to understand the patients’ experience. The impact on patient satisfaction was measured through a mass survey mailed out in December 2019 (before introducing the main measures) and in December 2020. Results: More than 30 improvement actions were identified after surveying the opinions of the patients and health care staff involved. Nine actions were prioritized, which were mainly related to structural and circuit changes. Waiting times significantly improved (35% of patients waited for more than 30 minutes before the improvement actions vs 4.5% afterward). The results showed that waiting times and overall satisfaction significantly improved in the period between the two surveys. In both cases, the degree of satisfaction was higher after introducing the improvement actions. Conclusions: We analysed the situation of our Outpatient Service and designed the most appropriate improvement actions according to the resources available. This initiative was achieved through patient participation (via a focus group and mass surveys), the participation of health care staff, and the application of Lean methodology.
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