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arXiv (Cornell University)(2013)

Cited 4|Views11
The OPERA neutrino experiment is designed to perform the first observation of neutrino oscillations in direct appearance mode in the νμντ channel, via the detection of the τ-leptons created in charged current ντ interactions. The detector, located in the underground Gran Sasso Laboratory, consists of an emulsion/lead target with an average mass of about 1.2 kt, complemented by electronic detectors. It is exposed to the CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso beam, with a baseline of 730 km and a mean energy of 17 GeV. The observation of the first ντ candidate event and the analysis of the 2008-2009 neutrino sample have been reported in previous publications. This work describes substantial improvements in the analysis and in the evaluation of the detection efficiencies and backgrounds using new simulation tools. The analysis is extended to a sub-sample of 2010 and 2011 data, resulting from an electronic detector-based pre-selection, in which an additional ντ candidate has been observed. The significance of the two events in terms of a νμντ oscillation signal is of 2.40 σ.
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cngs beam,opera experiment,\nu_\tau$
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要点】:论文报道了 OPERA 实验在 CNGS 束流中 $\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau$ 振荡的直接观测结果,通过改进数据分析方法和检测效率评估,提高了观测到的 $\nu_\tau$ 候选事件的意义。

方法】:作者使用了新的模拟工具来提高检测效率和背景评估,并扩展了 2010 和 2011 年数据子集的分析。

实验】:在地下 Gran Sasso 实验室中的 OPERA 实验中,通过 CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso 束流,观察到一个额外的 $\nu_\tau$ 候选事件,两个事件的总显著性为 2.40 $\sigma$。