
Experiencing the Impact of COVID-19 Health Measures on Adults with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A Cross Sectional Study (Preprint)

Riina Bray, Yifan Wang, Nikolas Argiropoulos,Stephanie Robins,John Molot, Marie-Andrée Pigeon, Michel Gaudet, Pierre Auger,Emilie Bélanger, Rohini Peris

JMIR Formative Research(2023)

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Background: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) develops in response to repeated small-level chemical exposures or a major exposure in a subset of people who then experience symptoms that can range from mild to debilitating when exposed to chemicals.The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic and the stringent health measures put in place may have increased the burden for those living with MCS, as it became more challenging to avoid chemicals that trigger their condition. Objective:The aim of this study was to better understand the lived experience of Canadians living with MCS during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods: An online questionnaire was created to asked participants to compare daily living during the pandemic to before March 11, 2020.Three areas were investigated: 1) environmental exposures to chemical triggers from ambient and indoor air; 2) access to, and satisfaction with, healthcare; and 3) how people experiencing MCS rated contact with their social network.Results: A total of 119 Canadians who had lived with MCS for more than a year completed the questionnaire.The participant sample was mostly female (86.6%, n=103) and highly educated, with 57.1% (n=68) having a university degree.Slightly more than half (57.1%, n=68) were over 55 years old.McNemar Chi-Squared and Wilcoxon Signed Rank tests were used to evaluate if there were statistically significant changes before and after March 11, 2020.Participants reported an increase in exposure to odours from disinfectants that entered their living environment (P<.001).There was a reported decrease in access to a family doctor (P<.001).Although people with MCS experienced increased social isolation (P<.001), they also reported an increase in understanding from family (P=.029) and a decrease in stigma for wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) (P<.001). Conclusions:During the first year of COVID-19, people with MCS were impacted by inaccessibility, loss of social support and barriers in accessing healthcare.This study highlights unique challenges and possible benefits associated with the COVD-19 pandemic public health measures for individuals living with MCS.These findings can guide decision-makers to improve policies on accessibility through appropriate accommodation measures.
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