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Technical and Environmental Assessment of End-of-life Scenarios for Plastic Packaging with Electronic Tags

Resources, conservation and recycling(2024)

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The end-of-life management of plastics is challenging, especially when inefficient sorting can limit the quality of recycling streams. Radio frequency identification device (RFID) tags can add value to packaging by assisting with post-collection sorting and end-of-life management. We conducted, for the first time, a technical and environmental (LCA) evaluation of plastic packaging with RFID for different end-of-life scenarios, including mechanical recycling (extrusion), chemical recycling (depolymerisation), and energy-from-waste. The recycling process and plastic quality were unaffected by the RFID, although tag particulates can be transferred to the recyclate. LCA results indicated that mechanical recycling of the plastic with either energy-from-waste treatment (Scenario 1) or chemical recycling (Scenario 3) of the RFID is superior to chemical recycling of the plastic and RFID (Scenario 2) among all the impact categories except stratospheric ozone depletion potential. For example, the global warming potential of Scenario 2 (223.63 gCO2e) was determined to be more than twice than that of the Scenarios 1 and 3 (111.04 and 111.78 gCO2e, respectively). However, as per sensitivity analysis, with further advancements particularly in catalyst development and energy mix, chemical recycling can be a potential solution as it ensures the highest recyclate quality and facilitates the longest retention of the material value. The growing application of RFID tags in consumer goods makes the technical and environmental investigation of its effects on the end-of-life management paramount.
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Environmental sustainability,Radio frequency identification device (RFID),Mechanical recycling,Chemical recycling,Life cycle assessment (LCA),Circular economy
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