Effectiveness of the Implementation of a Data Mining Algorithm-Based Peak Restriction Method

Gang Chen, Feng Wang, Liping Xu

Procedia Computer Science(2023)

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In recent years, along with the rapid development of economy and society, the quality of life of people has been greatly improved, the total amount of electricity consumption has increased rapidly, and the scale of power system has been expanding. With the rapid increase of China's electricity supply, the corresponding infrastructure construction cannot keep up with the development of electricity consumption, resulting in a huge electricity consumption gap. Especially in recent years, some regions of China are facing industrial and industrial transformation, urban re-planning and renovation, leading to the complication of the structure and operation of the power grid, as well as the problem of heavy load and overload of power-using equipment. This paper describes the concepts and principles of the data algorithm and the peak-limit method, and makes a comparison of the economic losses of eight regions before and after the optimization of the data mining (DM) algorithm through experimental analysis. The results verify the effectiveness of the algorithm in solving the peak-limit problem and prove that the algorithm is of great research significance.
Peak Restriction Method,Implementation Effectiveness,DM Algorithm,Effectiveness Analysis
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