
Missed Maxillary Sinus Ostium Syndrome and Its Management

Indian journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery(2023)

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The inflammatory process involving the maxillary sinus is often exacerbated by a functional obstruction due to laterally displaced uncinate process which obstructs the infundibulum and the natural ostium. Physiologically the drainage pathway may be adequate but during periods of inflammation resulting in nasal oedema, the ostium/infundibulum interface is inadequate, preventing adequate ventilation and drainage of the maxillary sinus. Incomplete removal of the uncinate process without including the natural ostium may result in failure and recurrence. This method of Middle meatal antrostomy that does not include the natural ostium of the maxillary sinus, leads to the missed ostium sequence and continued sinus disease. Here a case of missed maxillary sinus syndrome and its management is presented. A 28-year-old man with complaints of post nasal drip and Left facial pain for 4 months. 3 years prior the patient underwent functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), following surgery patient had recurrent episode of sinusitis. Diagnostic nasal endoscopy revealed presence of mucopurulent discharge in left middle meatus, CT scan Paranasal sinus was suggestive of opacity in left maxillary sinuses and in left middle meatus with wide maxillary antrostomy. Revision FESS surgery was performed, where two ostia were present was converted into single wide middle meatal antrostomy using a back bitting forceps and microdebrider to avoid maxillary sinus mucus recirculation phenomenon. On follow up 1 year later, patient had no symptoms of repeated sinusitis. Missed maxillary sinus ostium syndrome has to be recognized and timely addressed by joining the natural and surgically created ostia as single wide middle meatal antrostomy window.
Maxillary sinus,Ostium,Syndrome,FESS
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