Generation and Parallel Manipulation of Frequency Entangled Qubits from a 21 GHz Silicon-On-Insulator Micro-Resonator

2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC)(2023)

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The Silicon On Insulator (SOI) is a promising platform for the generation of correlated and entangled photon pairs, as silicon photonics inherits the precise, mature, and accurate technologies from Silicon micro-electronics and allows the large-scale production of integrated photonic chips. In particular, high-quality-factor micro-resonators are well suited for producing telecom-wavelength bi-photon frequency combs, key elements for quantum information, as telecom photons are good candidates for the future links between quantum communication nodes or quantum computers [1]. Using the frequency domain for encoding information is an elegant way to access a high-dimensional Hilbert space, in one spatial mode. Recent progress in the manipulation using electro-optics devices leveraged versatile applications [2] and Hadamard gates have been implemented with classical light [3]
accurate technologies,correlated photon pairs,entangled photon pairs,frequency 21.0 GHz,frequency domain,frequency entangled,GHz Silicon-On-Insulator MicroResonator,high-dimensional Hilbert space,integrated photonic chips,mature, technologies,parallel manipulation,particular, high-quality-factor microresonators,precise technologies,quantum communication nodes,quantum computers,quantum information,Silicon microelectronics,silicon photonics,telecom photons,telecom-wavelength bi-photon frequency combs
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