MultiPath++: Efficient Information Fusion and Trajectory Aggregation for Behavior Prediction


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Predicting the future behavior of road users is one of the most challenging and important problems in autonomous driving. Applying deep learning to this problem requires fusing heterogeneous world state in the form of rich perception signals and map information, and inferring highly multi-modal distributions over possible futures. In this paper, we present MultiPath++, a future prediction model that achieves stateof-the-art performance on popular benchmarks. MultiPath++ improves the MultiPath architecture [34] by revisiting many design choices. The first key design difference is a departure from dense image-based encoding of the input world state in favor of a sparse encoding of heterogeneous scene elements: MultiPath++ consumes compact and efficient polylines to describe road features, and raw agent state information directly (e.g., position, velocity, acceleration). We propose a contextaware fusion of these elements and develop a reusable multicontext gating fusion component. Second, we reconsider the choice of pre-defined static anchors, and develop a way to learn latent anchor embeddings end-to-end in the model. Lastly, we explore ensembling and output aggregation techniquescommon in other ML domains-and find effective variants for our probabilistic multimodal output representation. We perform an extensive ablation on these design choices, and show that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Argoverse Motion Forecasting Competition [10] and the Waymo Open Dataset Motion Prediction Challenge [13].
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Key words
sparse encoding,heterogeneous scene elements,road features,context-aware fusion,reusable multicontext gating fusion component,pre-defined static anchors,latent anchor embeddings end-to-end,model achieves state-of-the-art performance,Waymo Open Dataset Motion Prediction Challenge [13],efficient information fusion,trajectory aggregation,behavior prediction,future behavior,road users,challenging problems,autonomous driving,deep learning,heterogeneous world state,rich perception signals,map information,multimodal distributions,possible futures,future prediction model,MultiPath architecture [34],key design difference,dense image-based encoding,input world state
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