Bi-Level Optimal Dispatch Method of Active Distribution Network Based on Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm

Ding Li,Yi Luo, Shengcun Zhou,Xuancheng Yi, Yi Xiong,Yaning Wu

2023 6th International Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering (CEEPE)(2023)

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When flexible resources such as smart switches are connected to the low-voltage distribution network, the distribution network has better observability and controllability. Meanwhile, the distribution network with a high proportion of new energy faces the challenge of high dispatch costs and difficulty of renewable energy accommodation. In order to improve the economy and reliability of distribution network operation. This paper proposes a bi-level optimal scheduling model for active distribution networks considering dynamic reconfiguration. The upper layer of the model is the distribution network reconfiguration model. The optimization objectives are the minimum total operating cost and the optimal power supply quality, which is a multi-objective optimization, the decision variable is the grid structure for each reconstruction cycle. The lower layer of the model is the economic scheduling model, the optimization goal is to minimize the total operating cost, and the decision variable is the output of each flexible resource. And the improved artificial fish swarm algorithm is used to solve the proposed model. Finally, an IEEE33 node power distribution system is used for the case study. From the simulation results, the bi-level optimization model can significantly improve the operation economy and reliability of the distribution network.
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Key words
Distribution network reconfiguration,renewable energy accommodation,bi-level optimal dispatch
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