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Discovery of a Young, Highly Scattered Pulsar PSR J1032-5804 with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder

The Astrophysical Journal(2024)SCI 2区SCI 3区

Curtin Univ | Univ Wisconsin | ATNF | Univ Toronto | Univ Sydney | ARC Ctr Excellence Gravitat Wave Discovery OzGrav

Cited 0|Views33
We report the discovery of a young, highly scattered pulsar in a search for highly circularly polarized radio sources as part of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Variables and Slow Transients survey. In follow-up observations with the Parkes radio telescope, Murriyang, we identified PSR J1032−5804 and measured a period of 78.7 ms, a dispersion measure of 819 ± 4 pc cm ^−3 , a rotation measure of −2000 ± 1 rad m ^−2 , and a characteristic age of 34.6 kyr. We found a pulse scattering timescale at 3 GHz of ∼22 ms, implying a timescale at 1 GHz of ∼3845 ms, which is the third most scattered pulsar known and explains its nondetection in previous pulsar surveys. We discuss the identification of a possible pulsar wind nebula and supernova remnant in the pulsar’s local environment by analyzing the pulsar spectral energy distribution and the surrounding extended emission from multiwavelength images. Our result highlights the possibility of identifying extremely scattered pulsars from radio continuum images. Ongoing and future large-scale radio continuum surveys will offer us an unprecedented opportunity to find more extreme pulsars (e.g., highly scattered, highly intermittent, and highly accelerated), which will enhance our understanding of the characteristics of pulsars and the interstellar medium.
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Neutron stars,Galactic radio sources,Radio pulsars,Interstellar scattering
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要点】:本研究在ASKAP VAST调查中发现了年轻的、高度散射的脉冲星PSR J1032-5804,其特征年龄为34.6千年,散射时间尺度为已知第三大的,并强调了通过射电连续图像识别极端散射脉冲星的可能性。


实验】:通过分析脉冲星PSR J1032-5804的能谱分布和周围多波段图像中的扩展发射,讨论了可能的脉冲星风泡和超新星遗迹的识别,数据集未明确提及,但结果表明该脉冲星是迄今为止发现的最散射的脉冲星之一。