
Omics Sciences and Precision Medicine in Glioblastoma.

La Clinica terapeutica(2023)

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Abstract:Glioblastoma is a highly aggressive and malignant type of brain cancer with a poor prognosis, despite current treatment options of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. These treatments have limitations due to the aggressive nature of the cancer and the difficulty in completely removing the tumor without damaging healthy brain tissue. Personalized medicine, using genomic profiling to tailor treatment to the patient's specific tumor, and immunotherapy have shown promise in clinical trials. The blood-brain barrier also poses a challenge in delivering treatments to the brain, and researchers are exploring various approaches to bypass it. More effective, personalized treatment approaches are needed to improve outcomes for glioblastoma patients. This tumor is studied using genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics techniques, to better understand its underlying molecular mechanisms. Recent studies have used these techniques to identify potential therapeutic targets, molecular subtypes, and heterogeneity of tumor cells. Advancements in omics sciences have improved our understanding of glioblastoma biology, and precision medicine approaches have impli-cations for more accurate diagnoses, improved treatment outcomes, and personalized preventive care. Precision medicine can match patients with drugs that target specific genetic mutations, improve clinical trials, and identify individuals at higher risk for certain diseases. Precision medicine, which involves customizing medical treatment based on an individual's genetic makeup, lifestyle, and environmental factors, has shown promise in improving treatment outcomes for glioblastoma patients. Identifying biomarkers is essential for patient stratification and treatment selection in precision medicine approaches for glioblastoma, and several biomarkers have shown promise in predicting patient response to treatment. Targeted therapies are a key component of precision medicine approaches in glioblastoma, but there is still a need to improve their effectiveness. Technical challenges, such as sample quality and availability, and challenges in analyzing and interpreting large amounts of data remain significant obstacles in omics sciences and precision medicine for glioblastoma. The clinical implementation of precision medicine in glioblastoma treatment faces challenges related to patient selection, drug development, and clinical trial design, as well as ethical and legal considerations related to patient privacy, informed consent, and access to expensive treatments.
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