
The Status of the UK Breeding European Turtle Dove Streptopelia Turtur Population in 2021

Bird study(2023)

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Capsule: The first UK European Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur survey, in 2021, estimated the breeding population at 2092 territories.Aims: Changes in European Turtle Dove abundance in the UK have been monitored through schemes like the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey, however, sample size is now too low to calculate robust trends going forward. The aims of this volunteer-based survey were to provide a new UK population estimate and create a baseline to monitor future population trends.Methods: A stratified random sample of one-kilometre squares were surveyed within the core counties for the species. Elsewhere, one-kilometre squares containing recent European Turtle Dove records were targeted. The survey used a two-visit territory mapping approach, with observers asked to get within 200 metres of potentially suitable nesting or foraging habitat. Visits were undertaken in the early morning, to coincide with peak vocal activity, from 11 May to 31 July.Results: The UK population estimate in 2021 was 2092 territories (95% confidence limits, 1559-2782). The species has become increasingly restricted to eastern and southeastern England, with 62.5% of the population estimated to occur in three counties: Kent (682 territories; 32.6%), Suffolk (326; 15.6%) and Essex (300; 14.3%). Additional hotspots occurred in other counties in eastern England, up to North Yorkshire.Conclusion: This result suggests a 98% decline in abundance since the 1968-1972 breeding atlas, similar to trends identified from UK bird monitoring schemes, and a substantial contraction in range since the 2007-2011 bird atlas. The temporary cessation of hunting along their European western flyway provides a vital window of opportunity to scale up the delivery of high-quality breeding habitat and increase food availability in the UK. The survey should be repeated in 2026, and regularly thereafter, to help monitor the effectiveness of conservation interventions.
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